Facebook Insights for Aztec Brewing Company:
In the last 28 days, 7 % less people were reached by Facebook. Yet, the audience you are trying to reach is more engaged—up 33%! The page likes are down 33%, perhaps as new guests were nearly impossible to achieve with the varying laws of restaurant openings.
Mobile has always been dominant for Facebook, yet about 30% are now on computers as many people are home.
Regarding the top reaching posts, it looks like a trend of types of beer offerings and hours. Perhaps the highest reach was also when the Brewery was open.
How interesting that there is little disparity between days of the week when fans are online. No doubt that people have more time all week to go online. Wow, they are on all day from about 8:30 AM to about 9:30. The reactions and comments look like they have been higher around the Election, Veterans Day and Thanksgiving. This can suggest to post during holidays and important days.
How interesting that follows and unfollows happen around the same time. Looks like a trend, not sure why. I would keep an eye on that.
What is really nice is that more recently, people are following your page due to search. This is meaningful as they are actually looking for breweries and beers, so perhaps these people are more likely to come in once you are open.
It is always interesting to compare this info by month or season or year.
I did like all the FB pages in the class.
Marla Hope
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