I noticed ads on social media. The ones that are the most captivating are ones with one focal point (photo) and a brief catchy headline and a CTA.
CTA: get a FREE X, join today, order pizza, get Chinese tonight, Thai classics delivered, Tikka Masala to your door. These are to the point, brief and impactful. For my business, I feel these types are too forceful for women who are in a fragile emotional state and want to make a trustworthy choice.
The ads all use imagery which is key as a picture speaks a thousand words. Also, it makes sense for small ad formats and Facebook limits text to 20% of the total ad space. I feel that the ads on Yelp with delicious looking food photos are quite enticing! Showing emotion in photos can motivate people; either a pain point or a benefit they can receive if they purchase a product.
For me, ads with tacky art, loud text and/or fonts, bright colors (unless it is for a preschool) are the most annoying. Also, ads with too much text prevents me from reading it. Simple is always best in my mind.
The Facebook ads went to a specific promotional landing page which is the best for relevancy, thus most likely to convert. The Yelp ads went to the search results for the type of food promoted. I feel that is good for category ads so you can choose the one you like.
With respect to the differences of traditional versus social media advertising, I have been in advertising sales and management in both genres for the past 3 decades! I worked for two newspapers and published niche magazines at both. In newspapers, for example, advertising home furnishings on Saturday was as close as they got to reaching potential customers. Home magazines honed in on this target with appropriate distribution (zip codes with the highest propensity to purchase home furnishings). This was the closest shot in the dark to reach shoppers rather than true buyers. With social media if there is search involved, you can directly reach people who are actively willing, ready and able to buy your products or services. Taking it a step further, birds of a feather flock together, so utilizing the look a like audiences is extremely valuable. If there is a retargeting option, it is amazing to tap someone on the shoulder and bring them back to your business through your listing, page or site. That is the ultimate which could never be achieved in traditional advertising!
Yay for progress!
Marla Hope
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