Communicating with businesses has changed over the years. Today, there are more and quicker options available.
Years ago, if one had a problem with a product, they would have to start with a phone call and try to reach the correct person or leave a message (all during business hours!). Quite often one would need to reach out to the manufacturer and get an address (not like there was the internet to look it up!) and write a letter. Considering the times for snail mail, this added over a week to just communicate a situation.
Social media closed the gap in many ways. One can check out their channels and see if another customer had the same issue and perhaps, they could fix it without even contacting the company.
Now, one can easily find out points of contact any time of day or night which significantly reduces times for resolution. One can even message the company and may be lucky enough to get a quick response without ever speaking with someone or playing telephone tag. This is such a benefit for differing time zones and busy people or parents who may only be able to get online in the evenings.
Another major benefit of social media is now one prospective or current customer can publicly communicate with a company to offer suggestions or pose questions to encourage discussions that may be helpful to others. I have found this sharing very helpful on blogs and groups on social media with similar interests. I was even just this week asked to share my site in the resource section of a Facebook group. Yay!
As I adore my personal anonymity, I choose not to publicly review anything. Having been employed in the digital marketing space we had a company rule that we were not allowed to review clients.
Regardless, I feel it is bad karma to leave bad reviews publicly. In my opinion, it is best to mention any shortcomings to a manager or owner of a business in a polite way and generally it can be resolved.
As a business owner when people complain, I feel that they don’t imagine a real person behind the brand. One I introduce myself (I usually personally call by phone), I have been able to make new “friend” with every situation that originally went awry by offering better customer service than I would ever appreciate or dream of. I do pinch myself how this has worked so well (top customer service is in my DNA).
On the sunny side, if someone mentions something wonderful about my products, I immediately reach out, chat for a while, encourage them from my own experiences (my favorite part of my business) and then I ask if I can post their comments on my site! They have always agreed and let me add their first name.
Heres to enjoying the efficiency and effectiveness of social media today!
Marla Hope
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